Amazing Neil
I wanted to share an amazing story with you, our Instructor Neil Sandison had been doing his shopping yesterday at a major Supermarket Store in Elgin yesterday. Whilst he was there a fellow shopper had suffered a heart attack, now although Neil was not involved initially he intervened when he saw the Supermarket Employee attempting the First Aid however it was clear that she required further assistance and Neil became aware of the situation and stepped in. Neil took over and performed CPR for around 10 minutes whilst the Supermarket Employees located the defibrillator as the woman was in cardiac arrest, once the employee had located the defibrillator Neil proceeded to shock the lady 3 times before she had regained consciousness and she was then able to sit up and wait for the paramedics to arrive and take her to the hospital. The paramedics arrived on-site and praised Neil for what he achieved as he had saved the womans life.
Although this is an amazing story it highlighted a number of things, although we have trained in First Aid do we know what to do in the event that we are faced with this situation? Also do we have a defibrillator and do we know where to find it? Most importantly do we know how to use it?
At Evolve we can help with all of these questions, we provide First Aid with a Free Defibrillator training, don’t worry we can provide the defibrillator if you are already First Aid qualified. I don’t think that anything can really prepare someone for the situation that the Supermarket employee had faced, as people will question themselves whilst trying to help, am I doing this right? Also thinking about what they have learned and trying to remember the process in the face of this situation. Perhaps it has been 2 years since they did their First Aid and they haven’t had to use their training in that time.
At Evolve we offer First Aid Scenario-based training, it is one of the most effective methods of learning, practicing and understanding practical skills and concepts by placing the delegates in representative environments and exposing them the realistic scenarios.
Finally over the past few months we were fortunate to be able to deal directly with a defibrillator manufacturer, so we can also supply defibrillators at fantastically reduced prices. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Well done to Neil Sandison for using his experience as a First Aid trainer and saving a life