NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate



This qualification is for anyone who needs to gain a sound understanding of the principles of environmental management and is relevant for both UK and international markets.

For some, the NEBOSH Environmental Certificate is a crucial first step towards establishing a lifelong professional career in environmental management. Many who take their Environmental Certificate progress on to a NEBOSH Environmental Diploma.

Around two thirds of health and safety practitioners now have environmental management as part of their overall day-to-day responsibilities at work. The knowledge and understanding gained from the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management can help you if you have these responsibilities.

What does the course cover?

The qualification covers the practical issues of managing environmental risk. The syllabus takes a risk management approach, based around best practice and international industry standards, including:

  • Environmental Management Systems and aspect identification
  • Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency
  • Control of pollution
  • Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies.

Learners will learn how to carry out an environmental review of the workplace and prepare a report to management regarding the review with recommendations for improvement.

Course Duration: 5 days plus exam

Assessment is a two-step process:

Learners are assessed with a written examination for the taught unit, EC1.   There is also a practical assessment for unit EC2, designed to help you apply your learning at work and add value for your employer.  This must normally be taken within 10 working days of the written examination.

Unit EC1 is assessed by an open book assessment online. Each written examination consists of ten ‘short-answer’ questions and one ‘long-answer’ question. Scripts are marked by competent external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.

The aim of the practical application (Unit EC2) is to assess your ability to complete an environmental review of your workplace and prepare a report to management with recommendations and improvements.


To book this course call us on 01224 724008