NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management
Next course date: 29th August
Must hold NGC1 module to attend.
The NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management is for Managers and supervisory staff who need to ensure that their organisation meets its responsibilities under fire safety legislation. This qualification will equip holders to carry out fire risk assessments of most workplaces and identify the range of fire protective and preventative measures required. It is therefore also suitable for people moving into fire safety adviser roles.
The Course will cover:
Unit FC1: Fire Safety and Risk Management
Element 1: Managing Fire Safety
Element 2: Principles of fire and explosion
Element 3: Causes and prevention of fires
Element 4: Fire protection in buildings
Element 5: Safety of people in the event of fire
Element 6: Fire Safety Risk Assessment
Unit FC1 is a taught unit assessed by a two-hour written examination. The written examination consists of ten ‘short-answer’ questions and one ‘long-answer’ question. All questions are compulsory. Candidate scripts are marked by external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.
Unit FC2 is assessed by a three-hour practical examination undertaken within the candidate’s own workplace, to be taken within 14 days of the date of the FC1 written papers. The practical examination is internally assessed by the course provider and externally moderated by NEBOSH.
To achieve the full NEBOSH Fire Certificate, candidates will also need to attend the NGC1 module.
Next course date: 29th August
- Click here to book online
- Or you can contact us on 01224 724008.