PUWER Assessor
PUWER Assessor
Help keep your self safe always do pre use checks on your machine guards.
Evolve training does a 1 day PUWER Assessor course.
What does PUWER stand for?
Provision & Use of work place Equipment Regulation.
PUWER, place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over work equipment as stated on the HSE website.
The use of work equipment is also very widely interpreted and ‘…means any activity involving work equipment and includes starting, stopping, programming, setting, transporting, repairing, modifying, maintaining, servicing and cleaning’.
ACOPs support PUWER.
Want to know more about PUWER Assessor please contact us here at Evolve 01224 724008 or head to the Web Site evolvetraining.com
More resources from HSE:
Save use of workplace equipment.
Safe use of lifting equipment.